Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One Degree of Dean McDermott

I will be the first to admit that I am a reality TV show junkie.  It started way back in the 90s with the ORIGINAL Real World...and has pretty much spiraled out of control since then.  I justify it by telling myself that 90% of TV today is reality based anyway, so if I'm going to have shows I like to watch...well, you do the math. 

One show I rather enjoy is Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood.  She's quirky and cute, not to mention an awesome mom and doer of most everything, and then there's her husband Dean.  I never really paid much attention to him until this season.  Why?  Well, Mr. McDermott and I are now linked by one degree of separation.  He is also a student at The Art Institute in the culinary program.  No, he does not go to the same campus that I attend, but it's the same school, and that's close enough.  I find myself watching now to try and get a heads up of what I'm going to be doing in class.  So far it's been a neat thing to see. 

I can't tell you how excited and nervous I am that tonight is my first official night in the kitchen.  I hope all goes well!  At least, I hope that I am able to get through the class without slicing through my hand like he did.  Maybe my past experiences with a knife, garbage disposal and my thumb will give me a clean pass through.  Here's hoping at least!

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