Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year...New Adventure

Every year, I set some sort of resolution.  Along with much of the rest of the people on this planet, it usually doesn't take me until the end of January for it to be broken (that is if I can even make it a week!)  My problem has usually been that it's just not realistic...or as it has been the past couple of years, not really measurable and completely up to my opinion whether I accomplish it or not.  This year things are going to start off a little differently.  There are a lot of things I want to do this year.  Many things I want to learn, get better at, or change.  However, I've decided I have to back up and take one thing at a time.  After all, I do have a pretty big thing to hold my attention.

This year, starting a week from today in fact, I'm going back to school...oh yeah, again...and for the third time.  I'm hoping the the saying, third times a charm works out to be true in the situation.  My choices in the department haven't always been the clearest of sorts. 

The first time I went to college, I majored in elementary education...and I was good at it.  I've taught elementary school in several different places and know I was good at what I did.  But I couldn't do it anymore.  So much of education today is not what I signed up for.  After all, I didn't pay good professors to teach me how to be a good teacher just to be handed a booklet of information that I then had to read to a group of students like a trained monkey.  Crazy parents, too much politics, no "real" teaching, and very little respect...let alone money...time to move on.

The second time I went to college, I finished my theatre degree...and I was good at that too.  I still ended up in the classroom after I was done, but if I'm being honest...I went back to school then because I had just gone through a lot of changes in my life and I didn't know what in the world I wanted to do or where I wanted to go.  Guess I figured if I was in school people wouldn't ask to many questions.  Crazy logic huh?

Now I am one week away from beginning lucky degree #3.  I'm going to culinary school.  I've always loved to cook...and think I'm pretty good at it too.  (Gee...from reading this you would really have no idea that I don't have a whole lot of confidence in myself would you?)  I would love to do something in the culinary field, preferably private parties and catering.  I've done some for friends, families, and friends of the family...but really think this is what is going to give me the boost I need to get going.  It's something I've been debating for a few years now and the time has finally come.  So there's my resolution focus for the year...overcome my fears to move forward with new path in life.  I know it's not going to be easy, but I'm excited about what's to come.  Thankfully this time I have the support of my husband to keep me in line.  If it wasn't for him, I don't think I'd even be brave enough to do this in the first place.

So in honor of this new year and new adventure, I'm starting this new blog.  My "goal" is to write at least once a week about the experiences I will be having this year.  Should make for some yummy talk!  So stay tuned for all the "courses" to come.  Now off to work on dinner...bacon cheeseburgers and homemade onion rings...must break in my new fryer that hubby got me for Christmas.  Don't see a lot of healthy meals in my future this week!  More like visions of fried pickles, pork chops and wings.  Oh my!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm fried pickles....

    I am so proud of you Andie! You are going to do great at culinary school!
